We are seeking additional partnerships with interested delivery companies to deliver mulch and compost. Please contact us at SolidWaste@MeckNC.gov if you are interested in being a delivery firm for us.
Here’s a little help figuring out how much compost you’ll need.
There are 27 cubic feet in a cubic yard; visualize a 3 foot by 3 foot area and 3 foot tall.
One cubic yard of compost will cover 100 square feet, 3 inches deep. 10’ x 10’ = 100 square feet
Multiply the length of your area by the width to get the number of square feet. length x width = square feet
Take the square feet of your area and times by the number of inches deep you want the compost and divide by 324; this will give you the number of cubic yards to buy. 10’ x 10’ = 100 ft x 3” = 300 / 324 = .93 cu yd.
Area of a circle is determined by taking the radius (middle of circle to outer edge) squared and multiplying that number by 3.14; then apply same formula as above for figuring cubic yards. area = radius x radius x 3.14